The first number (01001101) is equal to the decimal number 77. The second number (00100010) is equal to the decimal number 34. If you add the two together in decimal, you get 111. Expressed as a binary number, 111 is equal to 01101111.
1 plus 1 = 2
easy, 1011. in binary of course. convert 1011 binary to decimal you get 11.
D7 = 11010111
In a binary system, where only the digits 0 and 1 are used, the addition of 2 (represented as 10 in binary) and 2 (also represented as 10 in binary) equals 100 in binary, which is 4 in the decimal system. Therefore, in this specific context, 2 plus 2 equals 11.
The first number (01001101) is equal to the decimal number 77. The second number (00100010) is equal to the decimal number 34. If you add the two together in decimal, you get 111. Expressed as a binary number, 111 is equal to 01101111.
yes it can very much so read binary.
1 plus 1 = 2
There is no unary plus in C, but if there were, it would have only one operand, unlike the binary plus which has two: x = a + b; /* binary plus */ x = + b; /* unary plus -- not in C*/ x = a - b; /* unary plus */ x = - b; /* unary minus */
1 + 1 = 10 in binary numbers.
2 decimal, or 10 binary.
easy, 1011. in binary of course. convert 1011 binary to decimal you get 11.
81024+361+3 = 81388 81388 in binary is 10011110111101100