

What does blunt mean?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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15y ago

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Blunt means not noticing what is around you. Blunt means not sharp,(dull). Also a marijuana cigar.

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Q: What does blunt mean?
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Does high speed increase sharpness of an blunt object?

No. A blunt object will be blunt regardless of the speed it travels.

How many blunt angles does a Hexagon have?

6 Angles.

What will most commonly blunt the costophrenic angle as seen on chest radiograph in an upright individual?

excess fluids

What makes a plane blunt?

If the plane is a wood plane and one is looking at the blade, the continuous shaving of the material being planed will eventually remove the tiniest bits of metal (or ceramic, if one has a plane blade that exotic - though they lack practicality). The removal of bits of the blade in the plane will leave a less-than-sharp edge, and it becomes less effective in removing material. It is said to be dull or blunt. Just about any cutting edge, whether on a kitchen knive or a machine tool, suffers the same fate. Even diamond (as a cutting material) dulls eventually. For an airplane, the plane will be blunt if it is less than aerodynamic. We (almost) always try for "smoother" and "cleaner" shapes and lines on airplanes for the obvious reason of reducing drag. (And it's plain why we do that.) Sometimes, though, we end up with a "blunt" design. The space shuttle would be a great example. It's got a big, fat nose, and it's been compared to a flying brick. It could be said to be very blunt when compared to, say, the X-15, the F-104 Starfighter, or even the F-117 Nighthawk.

What snake has squares that are black around the outer perimeter charcoal gray on the interior of the square and a brown band around the body between squares with broad at jaw tapering to blunt nose?

a copperhead

Related questions

What does get off that blunt mean?

stop puffin on that blunt, chief

What does it mean when a British person describes someone or something as blunt?

When a British person is describing someone as blunt, they are implying that the person is dull or the object is not sharp. For example: 'Joe is a blunt idiot!'. Or 'This knife is blunt!'.

What does blunt blowing mean?

smoking marijuana

How can you use blunt in a sentence?

one problem i have is being very blunt with people as in saying what i mean and worrying about their feelings later.

What does it mean if someone says your blunt?

Blunt means that you are rough; straight to the point. You aren't nice about it, you just tell them the truth.

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Bursque means blunt or abrupt in manner

What music video features a man who takes off his clothes and jumps in the sea?

I think you mean You're Beautiful by James Blunt, but I'm not sure!

What does the saying 'to be blunt' mean?

It is to be frank, open, honest, plain-spoken.

What does blunt?

The blunt knife did not cut me through the bone; however, it sliced my skin and left a gash that would stay for days to come, and eventually become a slight scar, paling against my natural tan. (That sentence is copyrighted by me- use this as an INSPIRATION, not as a SENTENCE YOU CAN STEAL FROM ME.

What is a sentence with the word blunt?

I smoked a blunt full of ganga.The bullet had a blunt nose.She answered bluntly "I'm just not interested in you".The man died of Blunt Force Truma.The knife was blunt.

What is stark realism?

Stark realism is to be blunt about the truth it mean you don't try to cover up what you really mean.

Is blunt a verb?

is blunt a verb