Bruv is a term normally used by the British, it means mate, pal, friend, etc.
i dunno bruv mne dunt 2 so i n wat ya meen mate
Answerchav (n. and adj.) - vulgar, uneducated, brash. Chav is a term used towards someone who wears a particular fashion and acts a certain way. The usual 'design' of a chav is traksuit bottoms and hoodie. The often swear and will smoke and take anything they can afford. Chav comes from the phrase Council House And Violence. The use phrases such as "innit bruv" and "yeaa mate". Many people exclude chavs from their society and some even fear them.
They're an interchangeable equation in physics. S = D / T T = D / S D = T * S Speed is equal to distance over time. Speed is directly proportional to distance. Speed is inversely proportional to time. Init bruv--By cloudy8484 look me up Peace out!
No, but sometimes "average" means "mean" - when it doesn't mean median, geometric mean, or something else entirely.
The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.
It is a corruption of the word "brother" as spoken by people who do not pronounce their "th" sounds correctly.
iceland bruv
yea bruv
ahhh man. we dunno bruv. sum-1 answr dis question man. I'm outta here bruv
The cast of Cool Unicorn Bruv - 2012 includes: Nathan Bryon as Buyer Abrahim Jarmin
Yeah bruv.
Chicago bruv
no bruv
use g0ogle bruv
wagner innit bruv
welz blood, we came in2 da hood, and shank uz up bruv, so watch out blood yea? i will EFF uz up Bruv
because there propa hugnry bruv