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cutting burning biting.

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Q: What does caustic mean?
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A sentence for caustic?

Caustic can mean sarcastic or scathing or it can mean able to burn organic tissue by chemical reaction. The solution was caustic enough to burn through clothing. Her caustic comments made the other girl feel bad.

What is caustic use for?

There is no such thing as caustic acid - caustic soda - YES. Caustic potash - YES - but not caustic acid

What does caustic mean on product?

If a product label states that it is caustic, it means the product is highly corrosive or capable of burning or destroying organic tissue upon contact. It is important to handle caustic products with care to avoid injury or damage.

How can you use caustic in a sentence?

He is hurt when he heard her caustic remarks of his shoes

What is a sentence for caustic?

Your caustic remarks remain unappreciated.

Caustic embrittlementintercrystalline cracking?

caustic embrittlement

What is caustic soda in tagalog definnition?

Caustic soda in Tagalog is "sosa kawstika."

Sentence with caustic?

Yesterday my teacher taught me new words and one of them was caustic.

What does the term caustic mean?

The term caustic refers to something that is capable of burning, corroding, or destroying living tissue. It can also describe a person or remark that is harsh, sarcastic, or cutting in nature.

When was Caustic Grip created?

Caustic Grip was created in 1990.

When did Caustic Truths end?

Caustic Truths ended in 2007.

When was Caustic Truths created?

Caustic Truths was created in 1992.