A centimetre is a measure of length or distance while a gallon is a measure of volume. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.
Nope. 100cc = 0.0264 gallon.
Gallon is a unit of volume and cm is a unit of length. So there is no conversion. Perhaps you are asking about cubic cm?
cm is NOT equal to 900.
17.5 cm
1 gallon
Nope. 100cc = 0.0264 gallon.
Yes, one gallon is much larger than 100 cm3 which is equal to 100 mL. One gallon is almost 4000 mL.
Imperial1 gallon = 4.546 L = 4 L and 546 mL= 4546 mLUS1 gallon = 3.785 L = 3 L and 785 mL= 3785 ml
Gallon is a unit of volume and cm is a unit of length. So there is no conversion. Perhaps you are asking about cubic cm?
No mm equal a gallon. - Gallon is volume, mm is length.
A cm is a centimeter which is a unit of length and a gallon is a unit of mass. they are different mesures
1 gallon(US dry)=4405 cubic cm 1 gallon(US liquid)=3785 cubic cm
A gallon.1 gallon :)
1 pint is equal to 1/8 of a gallon. 8 Imperial pints equal 1 Imperial gallon.
cm is NOT equal to 900.
Exactly there is 3785 milliliters in a gallon.
There are four quarts to a gallon. That is how quarts get their name. A quart is one quarter of a gallon.