cm means centimetre, a metric measurement of distance, a hundredth of a metre.
IF you mean 'Roman' numbers - CM represents the number 900
If you mean "feet", one foot = 30.48 cm. To convert feet to cm you can multiply by that number.
36 27 I mean
if by cm2 by mean cm squared, then the answer is cm cubed = cm^3. but if you mean cm*2, then the answer is 2cm^2
Multiply the number of cm by 10. The answer is the number of mm.
IF you mean 'Roman' numbers - CM represents the number 900
If you mean "feet", one foot = 30.48 cm. To convert feet to cm you can multiply by that number.
36 27 I mean
Mean = 163.4/2.54 = 64.33 inches approx, and sd = 6.7/2.54 = 2.64 inches, approx.
It refers to some variable whose distribution has got some mean and the measure of its spread is a standradr deviation of 17 cm. If the distribution is Normal (or approximately so), then the interval from the mean measure minus 17 cm to the mean plus 17 cm will contain approx 68% of the total number of observations.
~CM~ mean (call me),,,,
~CM~ mean (call me),,,,
~CM~ mean (call me),,,,
abs cm mean
What does cm mean on jewelry?
if by cm2 by mean cm squared, then the answer is cm cubed = cm^3. but if you mean cm*2, then the answer is 2cm^2
Usually CF means a felony and CM a misdemeanor.