It appears the 'live coal' is a reference to the 'word of God' - If you look at the attached link, scroll down past the different translations to the commentaries.
It could mean the geological spread of coal seams in the ground. Or it could mean the process of getting the coal from the mines to the consumers.
Isaiah means "Yahweh is Salvation." The Book of Isaiah is often referred to as the Gospel according to Isaiah. Isaiah is the first of the Major Prophets in the English Bible.
These verses deal with the spiritual and literal rebuilding of Jerusalem and Israel.
Abbreviation for Isaiah is Isa.
The phrase "Here I am, Lord" is mentioned twice in the Bible. It appears in the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel, where the prophet Samuel responds to God's call (1 Samuel 3:4) and in the book of Isaiah, where Isaiah volunteers to be sent as a prophet by God (Isaiah 6:8).
The prophet Isaiah had his lips touched with a live coal by a seraphim in a vision described in the Bible, symbolizing the purification of his lips before being commissioned for his prophetic ministry.
Isaiah Kacyvenski is 6' 1".
Isaiah Atienza is 6' 1".
Isaiah Gray is 6' 1".
Isaiah Garnica is 6' 1".
NBA player Isaiah Canaan is 6'-01''.
He heard God saying "whom will I send," and he said "Here am I; send me." Isaiah 6:8.
NFL player Isaiah Frey is 6'-01''.
Isaiah Lester is 6' 2 1/2".
NFL player Isaiah Burse is 6'-01''.
In this passage, the live coal symbolizes purification and transformation. It is used to symbolize the cleansing of Isaiah’s sin so that he may be prepared for his divine calling. The act of touching the coal to Isaiah’s lips represents the forgiveness of his sins and the commissioning of his prophetic ministry.
NFL player Jesse Williams is 6'-03''.