To "consecrate" is to dedicate religiously or spiritually, or "to make holy". In the Roman Catholic Church, to set aside persons or things to God's service.
The word "consecrate" is in the King James Version of the Bible 14 times. It is in 14 verses.
The word "consecrate" is in the King James Version of the Bible 14 times. It is in 14 verses.
Ketha is a variant of German Käthe, which is a diminutive of Katherine.There is speculation as to what it could mean, but here are a few ideas: "Each of the Two," "Torture," "My Consecration of Your Name," and "Pure."
Thayer says the word means, (1) to render or acknowledge to be venerable, to hallow; (2) to separate from things profane and dedicate to God, to consecrate and so render safe from being corrupted; (3) to purify. One of the best ways to determine the meaning of a Bible word is to read it in its context.
I think so, if my own Catholic Schooling is a guide and it might have been upwards to 30-50 times over the course of the three academic years.
The word "consecrate" is in the King James Version of The Bible 14 times. It is in 14 verses.
what does it mean when you say somthing is consecrated
The actual consecration is done only by the priest, through the power of the Holy Spirit, although several priests may say the words of consecration at the same time. Altar servers may help with the ritual by presenting the bread and wine, and helping the priest wash his hands.
To consecrate something, for example a building is to have a religious person make this place holy. After that the building or land is called hallowed.
Consecration is also benediction, blessing and dedication.
the scientists discovered consecrate gold tablets a++++++ sentence
Consecrate - album - was created on 1995-10-01.
The bishop will consecrate the new church next Sunday.
Law of consecration was created in 1831.
Consecration - album - was created in 1993.
The reverend will consecrate the host during the church service.
The word dedicate means to set apart and consecrate to a deity or to a sacred purpose.