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Q: What does controlling the surface area of the sodium azide pellets have to do with the operation of air bags?
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How do you prepare a 0.4 molar solution of sodium hydroxide from 96 percent sodium hydroxide pellets?

16.5g 97% pure NaOH pellets dissoved in 1 litre of distilled

How do you prepare 1.0L of 0.1M of sodium hydroxide from solid sodium hydroxide pellets?

To prepare 1.0L of 0.1M sodium hydroxide solution, you need to dissolve 4 g of solid sodium hydroxide pellets in water and then dilute the solution to 1.0L. Measure 4 g of sodium hydroxide pellets on a balance, dissolve them in less than 1.0L of water, and then make up the volume to 1.0L with additional water. Be cautious as sodium hydroxide is a caustic compound – wear appropriate safety gear and handle with care.

Does concentrated phosphoric acid react with pure sodium hydroxide pellets?

Yes, indeed!

How is sodium hydroxide available in the laboratory?

Usually in the form of tiny spherical white pellets.

What element turns white when its container was opened?

This element is sodium - a layer of sodium oxide is formed on the surface of the metal.

How many atoms fit into sodium?

it depends on the surface area of the sodium

Is sodium shiny?

The surface of sodium rapidly oxides and forms a grody corrosion layer, but a freshly cut surface of sodium is indeed shiny and will remain that way in an inert atmosphere.

Why is a freshly cut piece of sodium's surface shiny?

A freshly cut piece of sodium's surface is shiny because it reacts rapidly with oxygen and moisture in the air to form sodium oxide and sodium hydroxide, which are both relatively clear and do not tarnish the surface. This reaction happens quickly, so the shiny surface is typically short-lived.

How does sodium carbonate affect the surface tension of water?

Sodium carbonate decreases the surface tension of water by acting as a surfactant. It disrupts the hydrogen bonding between water molecules, allowing them to spread out more easily across a surface. This results in a reduction of the cohesive forces at the surface of the water, leading to a lower surface tension.

What is the effect of sodium chloride on the surface tension of water?

The surface tension of water is increased for salted water.Sodium chloride increase the surface tension of water.

Where would you find sodium at in your body?

Sodium is a mineral that helps to regulate water balance in the body, controlling blood pressure and encouraging the nerves to work accordingly. In the human body, you would find sodium in the blood.

Which molecule is directly required for operation of the sodium-potassium pump?

ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the molecule directly required for the operation of the sodium-potassium pump. ATP provides the energy needed to transport sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell against their concentration gradients.