the number of tuple in a relation is called the cordinality of a relation?
null set or empty set, is a set with no elements.
The mean tells the sum of the whole set of data.h
Mean is the same as average. To get the mean of a set of numbers: First, you add up all the numbers. Second, you divide by the number of numbers in the set. Total of all the numbers/Number of numbers in the set
You are finding the mean of the set of numbers.
The cardinality of a set is the number of elements in the set.
the number of tuple in a relation is called the cordinality of a relation?
1 degree and 22' N of the Equator and 103 degrees 48' East.
null set or empty set, is a set with no elements.
Diesel Generator Set
The mean is the average of a set of given information. You add up the total sum of the set and then divide the set by the amount of numbers that are in that set.
The mean tells the sum of the whole set of data.h
In every day language ; mean' can be said as 'Average'.
The mean is the average; the total of the members of the set divided by the number of members n the set.
The mean of a set of data is also known is the average.
Mean is the same as average. To get the mean of a set of numbers: First, you add up all the numbers. Second, you divide by the number of numbers in the set. Total of all the numbers/Number of numbers in the set
You are finding the mean of the set of numbers.