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cryptology is the science of making codes.

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Q: What does cryptology mean?
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Related questions

What different codes are there?

Depends what you mean by codes. Do you mean Cryptology or "Passwords".

What is the Journal of Cryptology?

The Journal of Cryptology is published four times a year by the International Association for Cryptologic Research. It is the main journal for Cryptology which one in this industry can submit their story for publication.

What is cryptographer?

A cryptographer is someone who performs in the field of cryptology. Cryptology is the study of codes and ciphers and also the breaking of them.

What is a cryptograph?

A cryptographer is someone who performs in the field of cryptology. Cryptology is the study of codes and ciphers and also the breaking of them.

Compare and contrast cryptograph and cryptology?

To compare cryptography and cryptology we must understand that they are about coding and ciphers. To contrast them, we must understand that cryptography involves the creation of codes and ciphers while cryptology is the study of them.

Difference between cryptology and cryptography?

Cryptology is the study of codes and ciphers while cryptography is the creating of codes and ciphers.

Who is the Father of Cryptology?

James Lovel

What is the study on codes?

Cryptography, cryptology.

Compare and contrast cryptography and cryptology?

Cryptology is am umbrella term used for the study of both Cryptography, the study of written communication, and cryptanalysis, the art of studying information systems.

How is math used in cryptology?

Cryptology is the practice and study of using techniques for secure communication, intersecting math, computer science and electrical engineering. It is based on the mathematical theory using algorithms.

What kind of research papers can be found in the cryptology eprint archive?

The cryptology eprint archive contains research papers on topics related to cryptography, such as encryption algorithms, security protocols, and cryptographic techniques.

When thinking about JCA what exactly is Java Cryptography Architecture?

Java Cryptology Architecture is used via the cryptology using the Java programming language. It also works with Oracle. Basically it's the science of secret writing in secret programming.