Magnify the information displayed on the screen.
It lets you format the cell
Indents paragraphs, Hanging by 0.5"
ctrl an plus zoom the screen in an ctrl minus dezooms it
Ctrl + U will underline text that is selected. Ctrl and the plus sign will superscript text. You need to hold the shift key while doing that, otherwise it subscripts the text.
To enlarge the erasers click on the sizes you want and if u want it bigger press ctrl+ + (ctrl plus +) I found out by pressing ctrl and + on the number pad, you know where the button Num Lock is. Then if you want it to be smaller, press ctrl and - (ctrl, +) and (ctrl, -) on the Number Pad.
ctrl shift - reverses the effect of ctrl shift =
ctrl plus r reloads a webpage.
Ctrl + 1
It makes what is on the screen bigger. Another way to do it is ctrl + plus or ctrl + scroll wheel up/down.
It increases the magnification of the screen. CTRL plus _ does the reverse.
Try it. It brings up this confusing code thing that you can't copy but you can print & save it!
Ctrl plus J is used to justify text or a paragraph.
Ctrl plus N opens a new window in a browser.