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Q: What does cubic mean in measurement?
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What does cu mean in measurement?

It means cubic.

How do you convert a cubic foot into inches?

ANSWER You can't convert measurement unit of volume to measurement unit of length. But if you mean cubic inches - 1 cubic foot = 1728 cubic inch

How do you Convert 21 cubic feet into measurement?

21 cubic feet is a measurement.21 cubic feet is a measurement.21 cubic feet is a measurement.21 cubic feet is a measurement.

Can volume be in squared?

If you mean square inches, no. A volume can be in CUBIC inches, or some other CUBIC measurement.

How many cubic yards are there in one mile?

I am afraid that the question as stated does not make sense. A mile is a linear measurement. Cubic yards is a three dimensional measurement, unless, of course, you mean how many cubic yeards in a cubic mile, then 1 cubic mile is equal to 5,451,776.000 cubic yards.

What does cc mean in french?

Nothing in language. It is a metric measurement of volume. Cubic Centimeters (CC) 1 cubic inch = 16.39 cubic centimeters.

How is cubic meter and gram in different?

A cubic metre is a measurement of volume. A gram is a measurement of mass.

Is volume cubic feet?

Cubic feet is one unit of measurement of volume, though any cubic unit of measurement (cubic centimeters, cubic yards, ect.) is representative of a volume.

What is 6000 cubic feet is what in feet?

It is not possible to equate feet (a measurement of length) with cubic feet (a measurement of volume).

How many ounces are in 2 cubic inch?

An ounce is a measurement of weight. A cubic inch is a measurement of volume.

What does cubic unit mean?

A cubic unit is a measure of volume used to describe the space occupied by a three-dimensional object. It represents a cube with sides of one unit length. Common cubic units include cubic inches, cubic feet, and cubic meters.

What is the cubic area of Manhattan?

I can't give you cubic feet but here it the sq milage33.77 sq milesAlso "cubic area" is incorrect usage, a cubic measurement is a measurement of volume!