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The positive of real numbers,which is commutative

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Q: What does cummutative property mean?
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What is cummutative property?

Cummutative Property=> The order of addends [does not] change the sum!

Which of the basic rules of arithmetic are true when you restrict the number system to the positive integers?

Closure with respect to addition and multiplication. Cummutative, Associative properties of addition and of multiplication. Distributive property of multiplication over addition.

What are the laws of arithmetic?

there are 3 laws of arithmetic. These are Associative law, Distributive Law and Cummutative law.

What is commutative distributed property mean?

what is commutative and distributed property mean

What does it mean to have an interest in property?

That means you own a right in the property or have an ownership of the property in part or in whole.

What does Writ of Possession of real property rejected mean?

i had no property to sell

What does identify property mean in math?

it means to figure out what kind of property it is

What does the addition property of zero mean?

It does not mean anything.

How is property and mass the same thing?

Mass is a property of matter but mass is not the only property of matter. Mass and property do not mean the same thing any more than Ford and car mean the same thing.

What does it mean when something says property in?

It means that the property is currently for sale and open for visitation. It may also mean that a person is inside a property or house or even an office building.

What does a proptiger of property mean?

prop denotes property tiger is symbol of power.

Can a person place alien on a home for child support after the property has been purchased?

If you mean, after the obligor has purchased the property, yes. If you mean, after the obligor has sold the property and no longer holds title, no.