denying Jesus was the Son of God
The disciples in Mark's Gospel were a dull, quarrelsome lot, always jockeying for position, failing to understand Jesus, denying him when they are in trouble (as in the case of Peter) and finally deserting him at the time of his arrest. Not one of them was present at the crucifixion.
The term "qua" is a conjugation term that is Latin in origin. It means "in the capacity of" or "as a". For example, "I am denying that a dream qua dream".
The five pillars of Islam are the basis of Islam religion. Denying any of these pillars intentionally expells the Muslim from Islam. That is why it is important for any Muslim to follow these five five pillars very closely. Refer to question below for more information.
No, but sometimes "average" means "mean" - when it doesn't mean median, geometric mean, or something else entirely.
The word death denying refers to denying or refusing to acknowledge the presence that someone or something is no longer living in this universe and is not returning.
it means severe and self-denying
Sorry to tell you, but this could be how he really feels.
He is still denying the murder.There was no denying his unfaithfulness now. The private detective was a good investment.
i am denying your offer
I am denying your loan application. He was denying that he had a drug problem.
Henotheism is the belief in one God without denying the existence of other Gods.
Here is an example sentence with the word "denying":All the evidences suggested that Samuel Miller was the murderer, but he kept on denying that he committed the crime.
Henotheism is the belief in one God without denying the existence of other Gods.
Yes. The word "denying" means stating that an account or allegation is false. Example : "He refused to confess, denying that he was at the scene."
Denying History has 330 pages.
The dream suggests that the dreamer feels abandoned with someone else's problem.