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That's a special calculation done on square matrices - for example, on a 2 x 2 matrix, or on a 3 x 3 matrix. For details, see the Wikipedia article on "Determinant".

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Q: What does determinant mean in math?
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What is meant by the determinant of a math equation?

A single math equation does not have a determinant. A system of equations (3x3 , 4x4, etc.) will have a determinant. You can find a determinant of a system by converting the system into a corresponding matrix and finding its determinant.


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Is there an easy way by which I mean a way that requires less than half an hour and no higher math than Algebra 2 to find the determinant of a 5 by 5 matrix?

There is no easy way to find the determinant; it's long and tedious. There are computer programs available (like MATLAB) that will find the determinant. You'll find there probably won't be a large matrix in an exam if you're required to find the determinant.

What does determinant mean?

The term determinant is both noun and adjective. In case it is a noun, determinant means a factor that decisively affects the nature or outcome of something. If it is an adjective, determinant means serving to determine or decide something.

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What do you mean by a symmetric determinant in a and b and c?

It means that if you substitute b for a, c for b and a for c the value of the determinant remains unchanged.It means that if you substitute b for a, c for b and a for c the value of the determinant remains unchanged.It means that if you substitute b for a, c for b and a for c the value of the determinant remains unchanged.It means that if you substitute b for a, c for b and a for c the value of the determinant remains unchanged.

What does la mean from french?

''La'' is the feminine determinant in french that you place in front of nouns.

If any two rows or columns of a determinant are identical the value of the determinant becomes?

The Value of the Determinant becomes 0

If two rows of a determinant are interchanged what is true of the resulting determinant?

The resulting determinate is the negative, or opposite, of the original determinant.

Do all matrices have determinant?

Only square matrices have a determinant

What is the determinant rank of the determinant of 123456 its a 2 x 3 matrix?

A determinant is defined only for square matrices, so a 2x3 matrix does not have a determinant.Determinants are defined only for square matrices, so a 2x3 matrix does not have a determinant.

What is secular determinant?

The secular determinant in quantum mechanics is the determinant of a matrix that arises when solving the Schrödinger equation. It is used to determine the allowed energy levels of a system by finding the roots of the secular equation, which is derived from the secular determinant.