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A hypothesis is an attempt to explain a phenomenon, based on partial information. Developing a hypothesis is finding a method for testing it: identifying something which is more likely to happen if the hypothesis were true and not if it were not. The next part of developing it is to design an experiment which can be used to test these outcomes.

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Q: What does develop a hypothesis mean in science?
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It's the answer to your hypothesis.

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What does develop hypothesis mean?

i dont know.. thats why i came here

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Hypothesis mean a smart guess by logic and reasoning; hypothesis are predicting in doing experiment.

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Science is based on the principle of falsifiability. It is necessary to develop a hypothesis based on the current understanding. You then make a prediction and design tests or experiments which will either disprove the hypothesis or add support in favour of the scientific theory.

What does the word hypothesis mean has it related to science?

its making an educated guess about the answer of the experiment.

Why is hypothesis in science?

The hypothesis drives the investigation.