

What does diatribe mean?

Updated: 10/16/2022
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14y ago

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Diatribe - A bitter, abusive denunciation.

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When was Diatribe - band - created?

Diatribe - band - was created in 1991.

When did Diatribe - band - end?

Diatribe - band - ended in 1996.

When was Diatribe - album - created?

Diatribe - album - was created in 1996.

How can you put Diatribe in 2 sentence?

His diatribe railing against injustice was eclipsed by the invective laced diatribe of a protester with a microphone !

Can you use diatribe in a sentence?

He wrote a diatribe article about the movie he strongly disliked.

What is a diatribe?

a diatribe is a thunderous verbal attack. it can be on video, face to face ect.

How do you make a sentences using diatribe?

You should have been there, if only to hear his latest diatribe!

How do you use diatribe in sentence?

You are fortunate to have not been here to hear the boss's latest diatribe.

How is the letter I in the word diatribe pronounced?

The letter i (both instances) in diatribe are both long i sounds.

When was Diatribe of a Mad Housewife created?

Diatribe of a Mad Housewife was created on 2004-01-25.

What actors and actresses appeared in Diatribe - 2012?

The cast of Diatribe - 2012 includes: Andreas Goldfuss

Is wonderful diatribe an oxymoron?

No, not really. A diatribe (definition from is "a bitter, sharply abusive denunciation, attack, or criticism." But all of these negative words only describe what a diatribe IS. They don't describe the quality of it. If a diatribe is exceptionally well-written and eloquent, then it would indeed be wonderful, no matter how bitter, caustic, and cruel it was. If it was rambling and clumsily written, with limited vocabulary, then it would be an inadequate diatribe.