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Q: What does distinction mean in school terms?
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What does 'distiction' mean?

It is a misspelling of distinction. Try looking up distinction.

What does favorite mean school terms?

Fav is usually short for favourite.

What does graduating with distinction mean?

It means that a person performed so far above the needed marks in school, that they are specifically recognized for their excellent work.

Eve Carell held what distinction at his high school?

Editor-in-chief of his school paper

What does distinction mean in a college diploma?

My college in NJ granted on your diploma "with distinction in ", if you had a 4.0 in your major.

Is DECA a Good school?

Yes, DECA is a Good school. In fact, DECA is a great school and it was rated with excellent with distinction.

What do Mary wollstonecraft mean by unnatural distinction?

Mary Wollstonecraft used the term "unnatural distinction" to criticize the unequal treatment of women compared to men in society, particularly in terms of education, legal rights, and social status. She argued that these distinctions were not inherent but were imposed by society and thus were unjust and harmful.

Which president was the only one to serve two nonconsecutve terms of office?

Grover Cleveland had that distinction.

What is Nambour State High School's motto?

The motto of Nambour State High School is 'Distinction by Merit'.

What do they mean when they say be sure your answers are in the best terms?

were a clown outfit to school every day

What does common-looking mean?

Having no special distinction or quality

What does distinction of bearing mean?

The way someone comports themselves.