It means it comes out to an whole number. There would not be a fraction or a decimal point.
how do you divide 16 apples equally between 17 children
All that it means is that you have chosen to divide up the event space into events that are equally likely.
None, Prime numbers are only equally divisible by themselves and one
No, because 4 does not divide equally into 87.
1, 2, 179, 358
It means to divide equally
Bisect is the word for divide equally. It is a word for divide equally and is used in mathematics.
64 is a multiple factor you could divide equally by 8
These numbers divide 20 equally: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20.
how do you divide 16 apples equally between 17 children
How does 104 divide into 14 equally?104 doesn't divide into 14 equally. If you get a calculator and type in 14 divided by 104 you will get the answer: .1346153, which isn't an equal number, but a decimal.
cut in half, reduce by fifty percent, split in two, bisect, divide in two, share equally, divide equally
it is 88
You can
All that it means is that you have chosen to divide up the event space into events that are equally likely.