To convert a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator. In this case, divide 8 / 1000.
Take a look at the Windows Calculator.
when you look at the even numbers you choose a small even number like 2, divide it and see if its even, if its even keep going!!!
Ha, made you look
3/5th The simplest way to look at percentages is look at whatever percentage you have, like 60 in this case, and divide it by 100.. (because percentages are out of a total of 100). Then reduce. ie: 60/100 -> 6/10->3/5
If you draw a circle, divide it in half (upright) and add two arms that look like a Y.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator. In this case, divide 8 / 1000.
Take a look at the Windows Calculator.
Like this : Draw a Rectangle , Divide the rectangle into 5 even parts. Shade 4 of the 5 parts. Thats it.
To get the answer, you just have to divide the percent # by 100 then you'll get your answer.5.5% = 5.5/100answer: .055 or .1
when you look at the even numbers you choose a small even number like 2, divide it and see if its even, if its even keep going!!!
You divide it like this: A-ma-zing
The divide button looks like a slash. "/"
To work out a question like this, you can divide the number by 2 ( 62.5) and then look at the integers on either side ( 62 and 63 ) This is your answer
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To divide a word into syllables you look for stress points in the word. Example, Internet In ter net. Finally you could divide the suffixes and prefixes.