You could write "divided by" between the expression for the numerator and the expression for the denominator.
A fraction is a division expression where both dividend and divisor are integers.
A rational expression
something that involves addition subtraction multiplication or division
You can always write a numerical division expression as a decimal.
A fraction is a division expression. 3/4 = three divided by four
You could write "divided by" between the expression for the numerator and the expression for the denominator.
A fraction is a division expression where both dividend and divisor are integers.
It is 5/9.
A rational expression
no because there can not be division in a monomial
something that involves addition subtraction multiplication or division
A rational algebraic expression is the ratio of two algebraic expressions. That is, one algebraic expression divided by another. It is important that the domain is defined in such a way the the rational expression does not involve division by 0.
Yes and it is 4/15 as a fraction