

What does dominant group mean?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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15y ago

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A dominant group are a group of people in a society with greater power,privileges and social status

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Q: What does dominant group mean?
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What does non dominant group mean?

A non-dominant group is the group with less power.. For example women are non-dominant, men are dominant, heterosexuals are dominant, gays are non-dominant. The group that sets the polices, laws and "standards" OS dominant. The group with power is the dominant group.

What does non-dominant group mean?

A non-dominant group refers to a group within a society that does not hold significant power, influence, or privilege compared to the dominant group. Non-dominant groups may face discrimination, marginalization, and barriers to achieving social and economic success in the dominant society. Examples include racial minorities, LGBTQ+ individuals, and people with disabilities.

What does a dominant group establish in a society?

A hierarchy, to separate that dominant group from the lesser peoples. Also, a means to keep the dominant group in power.

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What country were the dominant group of Aztec Indians in?

The dominant group of Aztec Indians lived in Mexico

What is meant by as long as minorities suffer from discrimination and the denail of civil liberties the dominant group also is not free?

If the Dominant group sets the rules, and is in a position to enforce them, Part of the rules being discrimination against those that do not fit according to them, into their mold. Being the dominant group does not necessarily mean that you are right. it only means that if any one in the dominant group wishes to become part of a minority group they are fearful to follow their ambition as this will lead to them being persecuted as they persecuted others themselves.

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In North Africa and Southwest Asia is the dominant language is the dominant religion and are the dominant ethnic group.?

Arabic, Islam, Arabs.

What is the dominant religious group of India?

Hinduism is the by far the dominant religious group. Hindus constitute more than 80% of the Indian population.

What is Germany's dominant ethnic group?

Germany's most dominant ethnic group is German, which makes up 91.5 percent of the population. Turkish is the second largest ethnic group.

What is group discrimination?

harmful intentional by a small number of dominant and group members with out direct support of norms and most other dominant group members. and example would be hazing, which is illegal but it can still happen with harmful intentions that are supported by a small number of a dominant group like a sorority.

What term is used to describe the animal in a group that is the largest strongest or has the highest status-?

If the largest animal in a group, is also the most dominant, then it is usually called the alpha male / female.