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To dread something is to fear something greatly, or to be very reluctant to do something.

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Q: What does dreading exactly mean?
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What is sentence for dreading?

She was dreading her dentist appointment. He was dreading the next two words from his boss, "you're fired". Dreading isn't healthy for your soul, or your hair.

What are some adjectives for dreading?

Greatly feared

The past tense of dread is?

either 'i dreaded' or 'i was dreading' can be right.

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Dr- Phil - 2002 Dreading the Holidays 1-70 was released on: USA: 20 December 2002

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if you mean rubbing the head with a wool sock, it is 1 method. not the best.i included links to every method, and a full guide to dreading.

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The King of Queens - 1998 Dreading Vows 6-4 is rated/received certificates of: Germany:12 (DVD rating)

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Dreading and doubt are the opposite of anticipation.

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