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Means that back then when they had the 13 colonies or 13 states. Each State had one vote so power was "equally" give to the states. No state is more powerful than the other.

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Q: What does equal representation mean?
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How do you use equal representation in a sentence?

The equal representation was created by The New Jersey Plan.

How could you change equal representation in the senate?

No amendment could change equal representation in the senate without

Does the new constitution say that all states have equal power in congress?

I have no idea what "new constitution" you're talking about. Do you mean "new in 1787?" If so, then no, no it did not. It said they would have equal representation in the upper house, and proportionate representation in the lower house.

Which house of congress is base on equal representation?

The Senate is the house of Congress that is based on equal representation. The House of Representatives is numbered based on the population of the state but the Senate has equal representation for even states with a lower population.

Does the senate provide equal representation?

Inequal in representation by population, but perfect in terms of equal representation by State. The big states are equal to the smaller sized states. Bicameral legislatures seem to balance things out quite well.

How do you use 'representation' in a sentence?

The equal representation was created by The New Jersey Plan.

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it is the graphic representation of the changes in demand due to the availability of equal important substitude.

Where is there equal representation of the states?


Representation in this House is equal?

The senate

What were Benjamin Franklin's views on representation equal or based on population?

Benjamin Franklin believed each state should have equal representation.

How is each state's representation in the senate determined?

It is based on equal representation for each state.

How is each state representation the senate determined?

It is based on equal representation for each state.