using namespace std;
int strglen( int n,char name[10]){
int i=1;
cout<<"type a name-"; cin>>name;
cout<<"typed name is:"< while(name[i] !='\0'){ i++;} n=i-1; return n;} int main() { int n,length ; //char str[10]; length=strglen(int n, char name[10]); length=n; cout< return 0; } What does the "parse error" mean over here?
Err means to go astray in thought or belief, error means a deviation from accuracy or correctness.
Error is a synonym of mistake.
The 503 Service Unavailable error means the web site's server is not available right now.
It means the URL of the website was not found
A percentage error is 100*(measurement - true value)/true valueThe percentage error is negative if the measured (or calculated) value is smaller that the true value.
Error 080040706 means that you are trying to uninstall a program. However, the error code means that it can not be uninstalled.
A theoretical error is an error that is not quite proven, which means that it is also arguably not an error.
haw can i retified from this error on yahoo id error 81003001
"Typo" is a slang abbreviation of the phrase "typographical error". It means an error in typing.
It means an error happened.
it means an error has occored in your computer
Error 404 Means: "File Not Found"
fatal error means the program is crashing and you will need to uninstall it
Err means to go astray in thought or belief, error means a deviation from accuracy or correctness.
Err means to go astray in thought or belief, error means a deviation from accuracy or correctness.
The term "typo" probably means typological error.
A 503 error is a universal error code. It usually means there is a problem within the server itself, such as an overload.