In the world of shipping, estimated delivery means when someone thinks a package will arrive at its destination.
When talking about a pregnancy, it is when someone, usually a doctor or nurse, thinks a baby will be born. When a woman gives birth to a child she is said to "deliver" the child, or the child is said to be delivered.
What is the sample mean?
The state opposing the estimated church from separating from the state.
The mean speed of the flow of the Agulhas Current is estimated to be 0.5 to 1.4 miles per hour. The current is located in the southwest Indian Ocean.
56 is estimated to be 60.
Estimated due date -Estimated date of delivery -Expected date of delivery -Estimated when a woman doesn't know when she conceived or if her dates and measurements don't match.Expected is as close to knowing when a baby will arrive as anyone gets without medical intervention. Only 10% of babies arrive on their expected date of delivery -
estimated time of delivery
The meaning of the acronym EDD is an acronym for many of things. Such as, estimated delivery date, estimated due date, or expected date of delivery of a baby.
Estimated Time of Delivery (among other meanings).
2 days
3 days on average
I'm not an expert, but in Obstetrics GA usually refers to gestational age, and EDD usually is Estimated/Expected Date of Delivery, so I think it probably means the gestational age is consistent with the expected date of delivery.
That depends on when the company dispatched the phone - and the capability of the courier.
When waiting for a delivery from Walsh Western one can usually get a tracking number so the package can be tracked to see the estimated delivery date and/or time.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the estimated mean annual wage for registered nurses as of May 2008 is, $65,130.
First class mail delivery takes 2 - 5 days.
Same as 'delivery note'.