

What does evaperation mean?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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12y ago

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Evaporation is when a liquid becomes a gas.

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Q: What does evaperation mean?
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Evaporation - the change of liquid or a solid into vapor, giving off moisture. Or to disappear, vanish or fade

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Two ways that water can enter the atmosphere?

Water can enter the atmosphere through the process of evaporation, where liquid water changes into water vapor due to heat energy from the sun. Another way is through transpiration, where plants release water vapor through their leaves during photosynthesis.

What is the primary method by which water enters the air is called?

The primary method by which water enters the air is called evaporation. During evaporation, water from oceans, lakes, and rivers is converted into water vapor and released into the atmosphere.

Through what process does water enter the atmosphere from the surface of plants?

Water enters the atmosphere from the surface of plants through a process called transpiration. Transpiration is the movement of water through a plant and its evaporation from the aerial parts, such as leaves and stems, into the atmosphere. This process helps plants regulate temperature, maintain cell turgidity, and transport nutrients.