18.48 degrees Celsius
47 deg F
Subtract 32 from the F temperature and then divide by 1.8
They are all the same temperature, i.e. the boiling point of water at standard pressure.Except the "100 f" should be "100 c".
350o-375o F (175o-190o C
There is no wire insulation on this earth that can stand a temperature of 658 degrees C (1268 degrees F.).
"F" stands for Fahrenheit and "C" stands for Celsius on a thermometer. These symbols indicate the units of measurement being used to display the temperature.
The afternoon temperature was 58°F (45°F + 13°F). By 8 pm, the temperature dropped by 15°F from 58°F, which means the temperature at 8 pm was 43°F (58°F - 15°F).
when reading a measurement of degrees, the results may be C, Celsius or F, Fahrenheit. There are multiple differences between both units of measurement, however simply to answer your question, the F stands for Fahrenheit.
f=frozen i think
If you are in front of a sink in France, the C and F on the faucets stand for chaud and froid, meaning hot and cold respectively.If you are converting temperatures, the C and F stand for Celsius and Fahrenheit, two different temperature scales.If you are playing the melody to Auld Lang Syne in F on the piano, the C and F are the first and last two notes.If you are in shipping, it means Clearing and Forwarding agent.
The average high temperature in Iceland is about 56 degrees F. The low temperature is about 48 degrees F.
About 9,300o F surface temperature and 29,000,000o F at the center.
The average temperature was 50°F to 120°F.
Future Farmers of America