

What does fertilized mean?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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16y ago

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People Firtilis their plants to make the bugs stay away more. Fertilised would mean the plants were fertilised.

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Q: What does fertilized mean?
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What would happen if your plants were not fertilized?

It depends on what you mean by fertilized. If you're referring to reproduction, then if they are not fertilized they will never bear fruit. If you mean nutrients you put into the soil, not fertilizing the plants will mean that they don't grow as well as if you did fertilize them.

What does egg cell mean?

A fertilized egg cell is when a sperm enters an egg. The result is a fertilized egg cell, or a zygote.

What will a fertilized ovary became?

If you mean botany, then a fertilized plant ovary becomes fruit. In humans, a fertilized ovum (not the entire ovary) will likely become a fetus, and a baby if carried to full-term.

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It means the egg was fertilized :\

What does zyqote mean?

A zygote is the fertilized egg. It is the earliest stage of the development of the embryo.

After fertilisation what does the ovary become?

the ovary does not become fertilized and remains an ovary. if you mean the egg, it becomes a Zygote.

Does conceive mean when the baby is now there?

It is the time when the baby is first created. This is when the egg is fertilized.

What is the ball of dividing cells that implants into the uterus?

do you mean the egg?

How does the sperm go about keeping the egg fertilized?

Sperm undergo a process called capacitation where they become more mobile and gain the ability to penetrate the egg. Once capacitated, sperm approach the egg and release enzymes that help break down the egg's outer layer, allowing a single sperm to penetrate and fertilize it. After fertilization, the egg undergoes changes that prevent other sperm from entering.

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It means that the when the egg is fertilized into the uteris it doesn't get fertilized, basicly it stops you from having baby without killin it and without that thing i forgot wat it was called.

Do alligators lay jellied eggs?

No, alligators lay hard-shelled eggs like other reptiles. The eggs are leathery, not jellied and require warmth and protection to incubate properly.

What do you mean by fruiting bud?

Some buds are for leaves and some buds are for flowers. Flowers that are fertilized become fruit.