People Firtilis their plants to make the bugs stay away more. Fertilised would mean the plants were fertilised.
Twins are not necessarily identical. They can be fraternal as well. Identical twins result when one fertilized egg splits in two. Fraternal twins result from two fertilized eggs.
If two eggs were released at the same time, both were fertilized, and one later divided in two before all three were implanted, you would have triplets with two identical and one fraternal triplet.
Identical twins are genetically the same, because they come from the same fertilized egg/sperm cell zygote, which happens to split into two viable zygotes. Fraternal twins, however, come from two different egg/sperm cell zygotes, that are concurrently fertilized and remain viable.
two separate and distinct eggs are fertilized at the same time growing in the womb together, but having different DNA.
It depends on what you mean by fertilized. If you're referring to reproduction, then if they are not fertilized they will never bear fruit. If you mean nutrients you put into the soil, not fertilizing the plants will mean that they don't grow as well as if you did fertilize them.
A fertilized egg cell is when a sperm enters an egg. The result is a fertilized egg cell, or a zygote.
If you mean botany, then a fertilized plant ovary becomes fruit. In humans, a fertilized ovum (not the entire ovary) will likely become a fetus, and a baby if carried to full-term.
It means the egg was fertilized :\
A zygote is the fertilized egg. It is the earliest stage of the development of the embryo.
the ovary does not become fertilized and remains an ovary. if you mean the egg, it becomes a Zygote.
It is the time when the baby is first created. This is when the egg is fertilized.
do you mean the egg?
It means that the when the egg is fertilized into the uteris it doesn't get fertilized, basicly it stops you from having baby without killin it and without that thing i forgot wat it was called.
Fertilized eggs are eggs that have been fertilized by sperm, while embryonated eggs are fertilized eggs that have developed into embryos. In embryonated eggs, the embryo has started to grow and develop, while fertilized eggs are simply eggs that have been successfully fertilized.
it means that the egg (etc) is fertilized outside the woman's body in a test tube.
a. the union of male and female gametic nuclei. b. the enrichment of soil, as for the production of crops.