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"Fettered" means restrained with chains or manacles, typically around the ankles.

There is a chance you meant "ferreted out" which means to search tenaciously for and find something.

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How do you use the word fettered in a sentence?

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How would you use fettered in a sentence?

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The Fettered Woman - 1917 was released on: USA: 5 November 1917

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One at a time please. -Fettered means held in some kind of restraints.

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What does fetter mean?

To fetter means to imprison in some way, usually with chains around the ankle. An example of a sentence would be: "The prisoner was fettered to the wall of the cell".

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Snorks - 1984 Fine Fettered Friends Time Out for Sissies 1-11 was released on: USA: 24 November 1984

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Why was Marley's ghost fettered?

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