To square a number (mathematically expressed as X2) you multiply it by itself. 49 is the square of the number 7, and 7 can be said to be the 'square root' of 49.
Forty is a natural number that comes after thirty-nine and before forty-one. It is represented by the numeral 40.
Nine is the number after eight. 9 - it means that there are this many of something: *********Nine is the square of three.It is the square root of 81.It is the highest one digit number.
Two hundred forty nine and eighty nine hundredths.Two hundred forty nine and eighty nine hundredths.Two hundred forty nine and eighty nine hundredths.Two hundred forty nine and eighty nine hundredths.
The number is forty-five (45).
To write forty-nine and ninety-nine thousandths, you would write it as 49.099. The number 49 represents the whole number part, the zero after the decimal point represents tenths, the nine represents hundredths, and the second nine represents thousandths. So, combining these parts gives you forty-nine and ninety-nine thousandths as 49.099.
Forty is a natural number that comes after thirty-nine and before forty-one. It is represented by the numeral 40.
Forty nine is composite.
the square root is 7
-7 or +7.
something I don't know
Nine is the number after eight. 9 - it means that there are this many of something: *********Nine is the square of three.It is the square root of 81.It is the highest one digit number.
The perimeter is 28.
Two hundred forty nine and eighty nine hundredths.Two hundred forty nine and eighty nine hundredths.Two hundred forty nine and eighty nine hundredths.Two hundred forty nine and eighty nine hundredths.
The answer is 7. Seven squared is forty nine. 49 plus 7 equals 56.
forty nine and thirteen hundredths as a decimal number = 49.13
if you mean how do you say it or whatever it is forty nine and five hundredths. the 4 is in the tens place.
Forty-two out of nine as a mixed number in simplest form = 42/3