Four million, two hundred thirty-eight thousand.
It would be written as 4,600,000
Two billion, four hundred sixty million.
Four million, two hundred thirty-eight thousand.
Four million, two hundred thirty-eight thousand.
Make it look like this ===> 3,000,004
You may write it like this: forty-five thousand seven hundred and thirty-four cents. If you convert to dollars, it would look like this: four hundred fifty-seven dollars and thirty-four cents.
It would be written as 4,600,000
Two billion, four hundred sixty million.
Thirty thousand - 30,000
Always look for the "comma" numbers first, such as thousand, million, and so on. In this case, we have 38 thousands, so the first part of our answer is 38,. Anything in the hundreds or less goes after the comma. So, thirty eight thousand and four hundred is written as 38,400.
one million four hundred thousand 1,400,000