makes no you mean 95%
Abundance is having lots of something.
Plenitude and abundance are close enough in meaning that any difference is usually of little value.
If you mean 0.0325% then as a fraction it is 13/40000 simplified
All rational numbers are fractional but all fractional numbers are not rational. For example, pi/2 is fractional but not rational.
To calculate the fractional abundance of Cl-37, you need to know the total abundance of all chlorine isotopes and the abundance of Cl-37 specifically. The fractional abundance of Cl-37 can be calculated by dividing the abundance of Cl-37 by the total abundance of chlorine isotopes and then multiplying by 100 to express it as a percentage.
how do you find the fractional abundance of an isotope?
Multiply number of x adn ave mass per x
mean's "land of abundance"
shefa (שפע) = abundance
Peru's name means the land of abundance.
it means an abundance
Fractional abundance refers to the proportion of a particular isotope relative to all isotopes of an element. It is expressed as a decimal or percentage and reflects the percentage of atoms that are a specific isotope out of all the isotopes present in a sample.
A lot of.
I think you mean kW, not kwh. Fractional just means less than one.
You incorporate the fractional remainder into the mean. The mean does not have to be a whole number.
Use your brains.