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Q: What does free fifths palpable mean?
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What is 3-4 fifths palpable?

3-4 fifths palpable means that 60% to 80% of the organ can be felt.

What does four fifths palpable mean in pregnancy?

"Four fifths palpable" in pregnancy typically refers to the descent of the baby's head into the pelvis. It indicates that the baby's head is engaged and is about four fifths of the way down into the pelvis, suggesting that labor may be approaching.

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Sentence with palpable?

Examples : "The tension in the room was palpable as we waited for the results to be announced." "There was palpable discontent in the union meeting." Watching the fighter planes streak across the horizon, the civilians felt a moment of palpable terror.

What does padable mean in medical terms?

Padable is not a word related to the medical field. However, palpable is. When referring to the word palpable you are referring to touch or being able to feel.

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tumor is present with palpable regional lymph nodes and no metastases

Use palpable in sentence?

A pregnant women is palpable.

Define a palpable spleen tip?

palpable spleen tip

Can you give example sentences for the word palpable?

The tension in the room was so palpable that you could cut it with a knife. The excitement in the crowd was palpable as they waited for the performer to take the stage. The fear in her voice was palpable as she described the encounter with the wild animal.

What is four fifths minus one fifth?

Assuming that you mean "fifths", the answer is three fifths.

What is a palpable rectal mass?

The term palpable means that something can be felt.

What are sentences using the word palpable?

There was a palpable heart beat that was felt on his wrist.