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Q: What does function of ingredients mean?
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Sell food and food ingredients to the general public.

What ingredients can be found in Ren Skincare?

Ren Skincare contains many ingredients. Some of them are active and help it perform its function, and some of them are non-active and basically just take up space. Both are vital for the skincare product to perform its function. Some of the ingredients are; alcohol, rose water, aloe, and other moisturizers.

In which sentence does a noun clause function as the direct object?

The chef believes that using fresh ingredients is the key to a delicious meal. (noun clause: that using fresh ingredients)

What does 'basic ingredients' mean?

Basic ingredients are the main ingredients you need. For example one of the basic ingredients for a pasta recipe is the pasta itself. Without it, you can't make a pasta dish.

What is the function of starch for pasta?

The function of the pasta is so that the cheese has something to stick to. Like nachos.

What are the main ingredients that allow Kinerase to function as it does?

Kinerase is a specialized product to help reduce scarring of the skin. The main ingredients are water for hydration and Vitamin C which is a natural brighter and skin booster.

If a function within a position spans multiple levels then?

By definition a function can not span multiple levelswhat do you mean spans well i think it mean what function with in a spans multiple can mean two levels mean if you improve you get a hight levels