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They look like your face!!!
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they look like a-z, !, and ?
What does proper grammar look like?
Gangrene can affect any part of the body where blood flow is restricted, leading to tissue death. It commonly occurs in the extremities such as fingers, toes, arms, and legs. Organs like the intestines can also be affected by a type of gangrene called internal gangrene.
Dry gangrene doesn't
Anyone who has severe peripheral artery disease or diabetes who has the start of gangrene on their feet/toes and is not taking care of it. Gangrenous parts should be amputated to avoid the poisons from infiltrating the rest of the body.
The scientific name for gangrene is "necrosis." Gangrene occurs when there is death of body tissue due to lack of blood flow or infection.
Gas Gangrene is in the air if not on your body
No. Gangrene is the name of a disease.
i died from gangrene but i am still alive
Gangrene can be caused by frostbite, so yes, people who suffer frostbite could develop gangrene.
Gangrene is cause by a genetic attack of birth. Suckers
If a wound is left untreated, it can turn to gangrene.
The medical term for gangrene is necrosis.
The scientific name for gas gangrene is Clostridial myonecrosis, caused by Clostridium bacteria.