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If there are underlined words, define or tell what each word means according to a dictionary.

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Q: What does give a definition of each term used mean?
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The term "fornication" is a term that religious people give to the consensual sexual intercourse between two unmarried individuals. Another definition is to commit illicit sexual intercourse which includes adultery.

What does illustrate each term means?

Illustrate can mean to draw something or to try to visually demonstrate something in order to help someone understand what it means. It can mean to give more details about something, like showing how an answer was reached rather that just what the answer is. So illustrate term would be to try to give more information in describing what each term means and maybe to demonstrate what they mean.

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What is the dictionary definition of a word?

a term that is used to mean something.

What does it mean when something is similar?

The definition of "similar" is that the things that are similar resemble each other in looks or characteristics, but are not identical. The term is also used in geometry to mean "having the same shape."

What is the definition of the term vivacity?

The definition of the term vivacity is: characterized by high spirits or animation. Vivacity can also mean the liveliness of a person or the vivaciousness of a person.

What is the definition of the term 'vivacity'?

The definition of the term vivacity is: characterized by high spirits or animation. Vivacity can also mean the liveliness of a person or the vivaciousness of a person.

What is the definition of the term 'faraway'?

The definition of the term - faraway is to be distant, far, remote. Faraway can also mean to be absent minded, dreamy, preoccupied, far removed mentally.

Marine Corps definition of the term Semper Fi the term Marines frequently address each other with?

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