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Q: What does high eosinophils absolute mean?
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No eosinophils were observed

What does absolute eosinophils means?

This means that no eosinophils were observed in the blood sample taken and observed. This is not necessarily pathologic as eosinophils are the second rarest white blood cell type in the blood stream.

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Low eosinophils in blood?

Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell that can be measured via blood test. If eosinophil counts are low in the body, it could mean that a person has an infection, allergy, or is dealing with a parasite problem.

What stimulates eosinophils?

High numbers of eosinophils (eosinophilia) are usually associated with allergic diseases and infections from parasites. A high eosinophil count may also be due to:AsthmaAutoimmune diseasesEczemaHay feverLeukemia

Is zero absolute eosinophils dangerous?

Having zero absolute eosinophils is not considered dangerous on its own. However, it could indicate an underlying medical condition or be a result of certain medications. It is important to discuss your results with a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and any necessary follow-up.

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high percent error is the absolute value of something that is multiplied

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baso absolutet

What does Eos mean in a CBC test?

Eos stands for eosinophils in a CBC test. Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell that helps the body fight off infections and plays a role in allergic reactions. High levels of eosinophils can indicate allergies, parasitic infections, or certain autoimmune diseases.

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Normal value of eosinophils?

The normal range of eosinophils in the blood is typically between 0-6%, or 50-500 cells per microliter. Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell that helps the body fight off infections and play a role in allergic reactions. Any level outside of the normal range may indicate an underlying medical condition that requires further investigation.