idiosyncrasies means a characteristis, or habit; like something you do alot.
he absolutely hated war, and the development of weapons. at this time in his life he became more interested in politics.
No, but sometimes "average" means "mean" - when it doesn't mean median, geometric mean, or something else entirely.
The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.
There is no statistical term such as "deviation mean".
See mean-8. Or get a dictionary.
Her idiosyncrasies were ruining her life. Her abhorrence of germs was a real idiosyncrasy.
That is the correct spelling of the plural noun "idiosyncrasies" (unusual habits or behaviors).
Tic in French can mean the sound of a clock as in ' tic-tac' (in English that would be tick tock) or it can mean a person's idiosyncrasies or mannerisms such as twitching.
Contrasts, characteristics, exceptions, distinctions, variances, idiosyncrasies, arguments, debates, disputes, clashes, opposing views...
An unusual individual reaction to food or a drug
Everyone has their own idiosyncrasies.
Nietzsche believed that philosophers tend to prioritize either truthfulness (the drive for objectivity and honesty in seeking knowledge) or originality (the desire to create new ideas and interpretations) in their work. These idiosyncrasies can shape their philosophical approach and style.
he absolutely hated war, and the development of weapons. at this time in his life he became more interested in politics.
Idiosyncrasies of nervousness include the biting of nails, tapping of toes, biting one's lip or becoming quite fidgety
that would seem to be determined by the individual and his idiosyncrasies
No one; she figured it out herself based on Huck's various idiosyncrasies (catching an object, threading a needle, etc.)
To be a parody of oneself means to exaggerate or mimic one's own characteristics, behaviors, or traits in a comedic or satirical way. It could involve poking fun at one's own quirks, habits, or idiosyncrasies in a self-aware manner.