

What does implode mean?

Updated: 10/31/2022
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15y ago

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'implode' Means that instead of exploding from the inside out. You explode from the outside in. It's almost as if the object imploding just disappears. But since there is no where for the chunks and remains of the object to go it is said to open a black hole or vortex to another deminsion where the fragile aspect of space and time are torn open leading to another demension or world opposite our's. A simple way to explain it is to imagine someone eating themselves. is it really impossible or is the cocept so flabbergasting that no one would ever try. In testing we have tryed to implode objects like rocks and fruit by using a nuclear laser that heats particles in the air using radiation burnig a hole in the air around the object almost. But once the hole was torn winds were created in a form a tornado. This then grew into a hurricane. We know this natural diasaster as "Hurricane 'Katrina'". But we had one person put into a coma just before we began testing. Then the hole grew and it seemed as though everything was being sucked into it. You will definatley not remember this but the world was turned inside out then the entire universe. When The entire Universe had came through the hole 'time', being so fragile, stopped except for our scientist that was in a coma was awake and he was the only one that could see everything and process it. He became very lonely and invented new nuclear laser. it took him eight years and and he finally burnt a new hole which then grew and the entire universe imploded again. And he went back into being in a coma but the doctors round him noticed that in an instant in looked like he had aged dramatically. It was because since everything was paused he was the only one alive and ageing until he imploded the universe again. Far all of us it only seemed like a moment becasue we didn't know what was happening and were not concious but were frozen in time like statues until he resumed time imploding the universe again resuming time. This could be happening everyday and we would not know we only resume our lives without knowing what has happened. This happenes everyday and it takes 20 years for somepeople but to us it is a fraction of a second.

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