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Q: What does increased insertional activity in the left lumbosacral paraspinals mean?
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Increased respiration due to increased activity is a homeostatic mechanism mainly due to?

Increased activity increases CO2 levels which are decreased by increased respiration and a normal pH maintained.

Drugs that act directly on the brain causing increased activity are?

stimulants are drugs that act directly on the brain causing increased activity.

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increased bone mass

What is the medical term meaning increased activity?

Hyperkinesia is an increase in muscular activity that can result in excessive abnormal movements, excessive normal movements, or a combination of both.

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What does hyperkinesia mean?

abnormally increased motor function or activity.

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What are two body processes that would change in response to an increase in muscle activity?

That would be increased respiration and increased oxidation. .

What effect of the increased activity on your breathing rate and heart rate?

By excuiseing

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increased activity of the heart

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Some of the effects of shabu includes increased talkativeness, increased wakefulness and activity, and increased attention. Decreased fatigue is also one of the effects of shabu.

Does resting help for hemorrhoids?

Activity increased vasodilation because increased activity requires a better blood supply. Resting decreases the dilation of the blood vessels because less blood is needed for oxygen and energy.