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Q: What does indicated power and break power mean?
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What do you mean by BHP?

Break Horse Power

What is indicated power of diesel engine?

total power produced engine is called indicated power.

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I will break the glass only if there is a fire emergency, as indicated in case of emergency procedures.

What the difference between indicated and brake power indicated power is maximum out put power of the engine brake power is the power out put of the drive shaft of an engine without the power loss?

indicated power is maximum out put power of the engine brake power is the... brake power =T*W T=torque W= angular velocity of wheel indcated power =BHP+Friction. Mechanical Efficiency :- BHP/IHP

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A power of attorney would not usually be involved in disposing of estate assets. That would be done by an executor. If the person who granted the power of attorney is still alive the dispositions indicated in a last will and testament are probably irrelevant.

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Could be a vacuum leak in or at the power brake booster

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dotted line with the words Page Break in the middle of the line

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dotted line with the words Page Break in the middle of the line

What is the indicated power formula for four stroke petrol engines?

Work=Power x Time

The power actually developed inside the engine cylinder is called as?

it is called as the indicated power or I.P.

What does the greatest common factor of the indicated value mean?

To answer that, you'd need to tell us the indicated value.

What is difference indicated power and brake power?

In an engine, indicated power is the power produced in the cylinder and the brake power is the useful power at the output shaft. Brake power is always less than indicative, due to losses by mechanical friction and parasitic loads (oil pump, air conditioner compressor, etc...) The two are related by (mechanical efficiency) = (brake power) / (indicative power)