

What does inseminate mean?

Updated: 9/23/2022
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16y ago

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to inseminate means to, basically, put semen into a female in hope it takes and she gets pregnant.

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Yes you can.

Can you give a profile for the sperm donor used to inseminate?

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4.0 to 8.0 ng/ml

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A tom cat can inseminate a female cat when she is in heat, which typically occurs every 2-3 weeks. The female cat will display behaviors such as vocalizing, rolling on the floor, and increased affection towards the male cat when she is in heat.

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A eunuch is a man that has been neutered. Men can not get pregnant and eunuchs can not inseminate females.

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What does incemination mean?

Do you mean insemination? if so there are three definitions for it. I didn't really know so I looked on 1. to inject semen into (the female reproductive tract); impregnate. 2. to sow; implant seed into. 3. to sow as seed in something; implant: to inseminate youth with new ideas

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No. Unless there has been a rooster to inseminate the hen, the eggs will not be fertile.

How do you keep your marriage if your husband wants kids and you have not been able to conceive?

Some couples can't have children. Sometimes they adopt babies. Sometimes a doctor can help inseminate the wife with the husband's sperm. You should talk to your doctor. Not being able to have children doesn't mean that your marriage will end.

Can an chook egg b ferterlized without a rooster?

It can, they don't, the process is done internally within the hen, prior to the formation of the egg. Once the egg is laid, it is too late to artificially inseminate

Why can't males reproduce until puberty?

Puberty is when the hormones start to produce sperm, amongst other things happening to the body. Male's need sperm to inseminate the female and thus reproduce.

How do you mate sow and boar when sow is taller than boar?

if the sow and the boar are incapable of mating with each other then you have to artificially inseminate the sow or wait until the boar grows bigger than the sow, if it can.