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n·su·lar [in-suh-ler, ins-yuh-]-adjective

1.of or pertaining to an island or islands: insular possessions.

2.dwelling or situated on an island.

3.forming an island: insular rocks.

4.detached; standing alone; isolated.

5.of, pertaining to, or characteristic of islanders.

6.narrow-minded or illiberal; provincial: insular attitudes towardforeigners.

7.Pathology . occurring in or characterized by one or moreisolated spots, patches, or the like.

8.Anatomy . pertaining to an island of cells or tissue, as theislets of Langerhans. inhabitant of an island; islander.

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The term "insular" means something that resembles or relating to an island, forming an island. It can also mean narrow minded. Some synonyms are: Closed, confined, cut off, contracted, restricted.

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What is insular?

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