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Q: What does insult plus injury mean?
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Insult plus injury equals?

A lawsuit.

When was Insult to Injury created?

Insult to Injury was created on 1990-08-14.

What does revenge mean?

Revenge means-To inflict punishment for (injury or insult) avenge.

When was Add Insult to Injury created?

Add Insult to Injury was created on 2000-10-16.

What is an example sentence using the idiom 'add insult to injury?

Don't add insult to injury by threatening a lawsuit.To add insult to injury, they fired most of the workers after the merger.First they acquired the property on a technicality then they added insult to injury by turning it into a garish dump that lowered the property values for everyone around them.

What is Eat him by his own light?

"Eat him by his own light" is a proverb that means to defeat someone using their own methods or strengths against them. It suggests that one can overcome an adversary by turning their own advantages into weaknesses.

What is the opposite of 'cherry on the cake'?

insult added to injury

What can you add but not take away?

Sugar Insult to injury.

What is a sentence with the word insult?

You added insult to injury!I felt like that was an insult to my intelligence.You shouldn't insult other people.

What are the ratings and certificates for Blue Bloods - 2010 Insult to Injury 4-16?

Blue Bloods - 2010 Insult to Injury 4-16 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-14

How do you use the word injury in a sentence?

The injury led him to miss a week of work.I need to see a doctor about the injury.He added insult to injury.

What is the missing word from the Yiddish proverb He who puts up with ---- invites injury?
