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She might want you to check out her "server". But you might have to use an "anti-virus" first...or a "fire wall"

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Q: What does it mean if a female computer science professor blushes dark red with only you if you are a guy?
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What does it mean if a female computer programming college professor blushes dark red with only you if you are a guy if she already has a husband?

she is a lonely cougar who wants you bad.

What does it mean when a young female professor always blushes with only you if you are a 21 year old college guy?

She likes you.

What does it mean when a female professor in her late 20s blushes with you while asking you if you are ok if you are a male college student?

You're a Uni student mate, you figure it out.

What movie had a computer with a female voice?

The computer the professor uses in the x-men

What does it mean if a female university professor blushes dark red with only one university student if he gets good grades in all of her assignments and tests?

Maybe she has a small crush on him but can't show it.

What is the name of the kids' science TV show that had a professor and a female assistant and a rat?

Beakman's world.

What does it mean if a female university professor blushes dark red with only one university student if he passes all of her assignments and tests with stickers on them?

she probably is grossed out about the way you look at her all leacherous like

What does que hace la profesora de ciencias durante la clase mean in English?

If it's a sentence fragment, it means, "...that the [female] science professor does during class. If it's an incorrectly punctuated question, it means, "What does the [female] science professor do during the class?"

What does it mean if your former female programming professor blushes dark red and giggles with only you?

Well it means what you're most likely thinking. Either run away in terror or kill her. I suggest the first option.

Can you get a scholarship for majoring in computer science as a female?

Yes. There is no difference in this day and age between male and female careers.

What does it mean when a young female professor always blushes with only one college guy?

When you blush its because your heart is beating faster, either when your excited or when you have lots of adrenaline in your body. She probably likes him and when she sees him, it causes her heart to beat faster.

What is 'female professor' in Italian?

'Female professor' in Italian is 'professoressa'.