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Q: What does it mean if a population pyramid has a wide base?
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When a population pyramid has a wide base and it is the most narrow at the top the population is?

When a population pyramid has a wide base and is narrower at the top, it indicates a high birth rate and high population growth. This kind of pyramid is typical of developing countries where a large proportion of the population is young and the birth rates are high.

What are the three types of population pyramids?

Expansive population pyramid: wide base and narrow top, indicating high birth and death rates. Constrictive population pyramid: narrow base and wider top, showing low birth and death rates. Stationary population pyramid: nearly equal widths at all age groups, suggesting stable birth and death rates.

How wide is the base of the great pyramid?

The length of each side at the base is 755.55 feet or 230 meters

What is the similarity between a cone and a pyramid?

They both ave a wide base and come to a point.

What do laborers built around the entire base of pyramid?

Laborers built a wide bank of rubble around the base of the pyramid to serve as a foundation. This bank was then faced with fine Tura limestone.

The shape of a country's population pyramid is determined by its?

The shape of a country's population pyramid is primarily determined by its birth and death rates, as well as its level of development and healthcare services. A pyramid with a wide base typically indicates high birth rates and a young population, while a more uniform shape suggests a more balanced distribution of age groups. Economic factors, such as employment opportunities and social policies, also influence the shape of a population pyramid.

What will be the approximate shape of the age-structure diagram of a rapidly increasing population?

The age-structure diagram of a rapidly increasing population typically has a pyramid shape, with a wide base representing a high proportion of young individuals and a narrow top representing a smaller proportion of elderly individuals. This shape indicates a high birth rate, high population growth, and a lower life expectancy.

What are the dimensions of the biggest pyramid?

The Great Pyramid of Giza or Pyramid of Khufu is world's largest pyramid. It is located in the famous Pyramid complex of Giza, Egypt. It had an original height of 146.5 meters which has now reduced to 138.8 meters. Its base is 230.4 meters wide.

Why is the pyramid widest at the bottom?

Pyramid is the name given to that particular geometric shape. If the sides were all equal length it would be called a cube .

How wide is pyramid Khufu?

Which pyramid? There are many pyramids in Egypt!

What clues can an age structure graph provide about a country's population growth?

An age structure graph can provide insights into a country's population growth by showing the distribution of population across different age groups. A pyramid-shaped graph with a wide base indicates a young population with high birth rates and potential for future growth. In contrast, a graph with a more uniform distribution suggests a stable or declining population growth.

How big was the great pyramid?

Along the base, each side was about 760 feet long. the core was built from 2.3 billion blocks of stone.