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Q: What does it mean if data are reproducible but not accurate?
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What does it mean for data to be reproducible?

it means the data can have babies

Why do observations need to be objective?

Objective observations are crucial in science and research because they help ensure that data collection is unbiased and not influenced by personal beliefs or opinions. This allows for results to be more reliable and reproducible. By striving for objectivity, researchers can make more accurate interpretations and conclusions based on the data.

Scientists should not repeat their experiment to see if their data is reproducible?

No they shoudnt have.

What characteristics are thermometric properties expected to have?

varies with temp. in a reproducible way, rapid response , accurate

What does it mean when the data supports the hypothesis?

It means that your prediction was accurate.

Is it true scientists should not repeat experiments to see if thir data is reproducible?

no. experiments should be repeatd

What is accurate data?

Accurate data is information that is correct.

Is the mean or median more accurate?

None of them is "more accurate". They are answers to two different questions.

Deferent betbeen data and information with suitable examples?

data is not accurate.. where information is so accurate

Why is an average or mean important?

They are the same thing. They give you an accurate representation of all the values in a data set

Why is accurate measurement crucial in science?

Accurate measurement is crucial in science because it allows for reliable and valid data collection, which is the foundation of all scientific research. Precise measurements help ensure that experimental results are reproducible and can be used to draw meaningful conclusions. Inaccurate measurements can lead to incorrect interpretations and conclusions, undermining the credibility of scientific findings.

Is group data more accurate than ungroup data?

i think ungroup data is more accurate because we count each value. while, in group data there is interval