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Q: What does it mean if my eye Rx says AXIS 167?
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OD means right eye, the D is the abbreviation for "dextro" which is the Latin word for "right". Axis means the angle of the cylinder shape in the lens to correct for astigmatism.

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You be lookin' extra-fine.

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they are watching you. or they are keeping an eye on you.

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Odysseus means that no one can escape the surveillance of the sun god Helios, who sees all things in his domain. This statement emphasizes the omnipresence and all-seeing nature of Helios, suggesting that his watchful eye cannot be evaded or eluded.

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In Act II Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet (the balcony scene), Romeo says:"She speaks yet she says nothing: what of that?Her eye discourses; I will answer it. "He says 'her eye discourses"; something in the look of her eye is speaking, not her voice.

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A violet purple.

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If a person is referred to as eye-candy, it means that they are an attractive person, and enjoyable to look at.

What does od sphere -1.00 cylinder -1.00 axis 065 mean?

That's the prescription for a corrective lens for your right eye, which is slightly far-sighted and slightly astigmatic.